"Til rette vedkommende"
Click on envelope to read the letter from the artist
(Danish only)
With the exhibition En! Gang! Til! (One! More! Time!) Kim Richard Adler Mejdahl examines the relationship of Danish working-class culture, medieval monsters and Egyptian mythology. The exhibition is a reunion with old mascots and newly produced works from Mejdahl's, or should we say Kim von BonBon's, hand. The category of high and low culture has swapped places in Mejdahl's universe, and according to the artist, it is a liberated view of art that makes it possible to see what is hidden behind the bonbon figures' exterior. His loving look at the mascots can be compared to the non-judgmental look of the child, which is not influenced by prejudices and taste preferences.
BonBon-Land is Mejdahl's childhood happiness land, and through the exhibition he mutates his mental childhood space and memories in a grotesque way. He opens up the potential of art to comfort all our painful remains from the past. You get nostalgic, and childhood is in Candyland, and it's nostalgic, and it's a happy place. This duality repeats itself in many of the works and in the structure of the exhibition itself, which is divided into a day side and a shadow side. Mejdahl evokes the slumbering minor and repressed traumas, in order to find the clear sensation of something that one does not yet fully understand.
Jun 10 - Aug 6 2023
Kunsthal Rønnebæksholm
Installation shots by Miriam H. Nielsen
Additional detail shots by Kim Richard Adler Mejdahl
Analogue photographs by Fiona Aagaard
Kim Richard Adler Mejdahl would like to say a huge thank you for the kindest help and support to:
15. Juni Fonden, Aage og Johanne Louise-Hansen Fond, Beckett-Fonden, Branch af 1848 Fond, Knud Højgaards Fond, Statens Kunstfond, Statens Værksteder for Kunst, Ulla og Erik Hoff-Clausens Familiefond, William Demant Fonden og Næstved Kommune.
Bruno Lykke Vang, Daniel Gudnason, Charlotte Popp, John Roger & Nette Nielsen, Gilbert Gordon, Simon Reinhardt, Jonas Schnack Krog, Morten Jensen, Fiona Aagaard, Grammartisten, Filip Grønning, Mette Christina Nielsen, Lars Fahlmann, Julie Nord, Asta Paludan Johnstad-Møller, Vibeke Kelding Hansen, Lotte Juel Petersen, and Pernille Skov.
Anna Dea Djuraas and Line Finderup Jensen for your assistance!
Rønnebæksholm and BonBon-Land